Inspirational Quotes from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

Inspirational Quotes from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

Here’s a great selection of some of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s most inspiring and well-known quotes, capturing his teachings on emuna, simcha, and resilience:

  1. "The whole world is a very narrow bridge, and the main thing is not to be afraid."
  2. "If you believe that you can break, believe that you can fix."
  3. "The greatest mitzvah is to always be in a state of joy."
  4. "There is no despair in the world at all."
  5. "Always look for the good points in yourself and others"
  6. "Gevalt! Never ever give up!"
  7. "Even in the concealment, within the concealment, God is there."
  8. "Pray with simplicity, sincerity, and with joy."
  9. "When a person knows that everything that happens to him is for his good, this is actually a taste of the World to Come."
  10. "Hitbodedut (personal prayer) is higher than anything else."

These quotes offer us some insight into Rebbe Nachman’s profound and practical wisdom on life’s challenges and the importance of maintaining faith, hope, and positivity. 

Click here to view vibrant, inspiring artwork featuring some of Rebbe Nachman's quotes.

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